Route discovering Cuenca

04 julio, 2015 - Por Graciela Camiña

A city to be discovered by walking in the streets, talking to the people and knowing its history. With a walk in Cuenca, you will find a beautiful destination for your family holidays, with friends or with your partner. Don’t stay at home!

City of Cuenca. This image is under the Creative Commons licence in the Flickr of M. Peinado

City of Cuenca.
This image is under the Creative Commons licence in the Flickr of M. Peinado

Going to the old town and contemplate a perfect panorama, to have a walk in its backstreets adapted to the environment. This is Cuenca, a wonderful city of Castilla-La Mancha that will enchant us immediately.

Once there, it is essential to visit its more emblematic buildings that are the image of the city. The Hanging Houses (las Casas Colgadas) are the main reference in Cuenca. The origin of these houses is uncertain, it is said that they date from the Muslim or medieval period.  However in the XX century they were restored, and thus the Museum of Abstract Spanish Art (Museo de Arte Abstracto Español) was established, as well as a typical inn where taste the best gastronomy of the region.

From there, we can cross the St. Paul’s bridge (Puente de San Pablo) built in wood and iron. Formerly there was a Stone bridge built between 1533 and 1589 that fell apart; in 1902 was built the current bridge. Before crossing it, we could appreciate a bronze sculpture made in honor of the shepherds: the Shepherd of las Huesas del Vasallo (el Pastor de las Huesas del Vasallo). From this point, it is possible to see the wonderful seeing of the gorge of the River Huécar (Hoz del Huécar) and the Hanging Houses.

Once the bridge crossed, we find the St. Paul’s Convent (Convento de San Pablo). The clerical character of the city during the Modern Period is reflected in the important number of religious buildings edified in Cuenca, and this temple edified in 1523 as a Dominican convent is a good example. Nowadays it is a National-Stat run hotel (Parador Nacional de Turismo).

If you continue to the upper side of the city, most known by the inhabitants as the Castle, you could visit the remains of the ancient fortress of the city. Currently are only visible the walls of the entrance and the spectaculars views over Cuenca.

If you want to stroll around the city, we recommend you to take as reference the main place (Plaza Mayor) that has a triangular shape, with the Town hall (Ayuntamiento), the Cathedral of Santa Maria, and the Convent of Petras in each vertex.

With family, friends or your partner, who cares! In a bungalow you will have a great time!


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