Clash of the Titans
This magnificent place have been the scene of large productions as Clash of the Titans (2010) or its sequel Wrath of the Titans (2012). In which the producer Warner recreated the Mythical Greece. Part of these trips is also carried out in the Dunes of Maspalomas, Gran Canaria. Also, in the National Park of Timanfaya National Park in Lanzarote.
Picture: Beyond the Movies
This beautiful square has served as background for various and famous international movies. Many remember it as the Palace of the city of Theed. Yes, on Naboo planet of Star Wars II: Attack of the Clones (2002) of George Lucas. But they have also been filmed movies as well known as Lawrence of Arabia (1963) or The Dictator (2012).
Picture: James Bond Locations
It is considered by the natives of Cadiz like one of the most emblematic places of the city of Cádiz. This fantastic beach has captivated the world of cinema. Some will recognize it as old Havana in the James Bond movie Die another day (2002).
Picture: Cinema e Debate
These amazing natural scenery in Almería has hosted since many years ago shoots of great films such as Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989) , Conan the Barbarian (1982). The perfects movie stages for Hollywood!
Picture: Panorama Audiovisual
The futurist stage of the City of the Arts and the Sciences of Valencia has served as movie locations to roll the movie Tomorrowland. The world of the tomorrow (2015), of the director Brad Bird and starring by George Clooney.
There have been neither one nor two places in Spain where there has passed the plot of Game of Thrones. The Wonderful Alcazar of Sevilla converts in the impressive private residence of the Martell, the rulers dornienses. In the capital of their domains, launches of the sun like in Sevilla. Also in Andalusia, the Plaza de Toros of Osuna hosted one of the scenes more shocking series, with Daneerys and Tyrion Lannister as central characters. Another Andalusian place has been Almodovar del Río (Córdoba), where the Lannister flag waving for a few days.
Girona welcomes the kingdoms of Braavos, Antigua and King’s Landing. Sure that the stairway of your cathedral os sounds a lot. Maybe, by the shame that became one of the characters during a walk. 😉
In Navarra, in the desert of the Bardenas Reales, The Dothraki have an encounter little friendly with our Mother of Dragons.
And as the surprise of the seventh season, the beach of Itzurun (Zumaia, Basque Country) will host the meeting between families Targaryen, Stark and Lannister.
Are you sure that you don’t want to visit Spain this year? Explore new places and all these movie locations with BungalowsClub!
Image Credits: Cadena Ser, Beyond the Movies , James Bond Locations, Cinema e Debate, Panorama Audiovisual