The Glamping is a unique experience in which you can choose an extraordinary establishment at a incredible scenario. Prepare for the experience of your life without getting out a pice of confort. Glaming is a form of connecting with the surronding areas without resign to the confort.
The camping of always, we all like the traditional, from the kids to the adults. But since a little period of time the ´´Glamping« begins to sound really loud at the turistic world, it has made a gap and nobody takes it out. It is an option that has hosted really good between the spanish people because of the luxury and the confort and it is something that we aren´t accustomed. The camping with flawless are a trend each time more entended and it has became to stay. The people want to have their holidays at the free air but without resing to the confort.
And what its a reality is that the practicing of the glaming it is an option for the turism each time more chossed. This word became of the union of two holiday concepts that at the beginning can be opossite: the camping and the glamour. But it isn´t like that, this new form of going in vacations show us that this two concepts together exist and works very good.
This tipe of turism, characteristic of been at very concret and beauty places of the world, have differents tipes of turistic establishments: yurtas or the original houses builded and integrated as a sustainable between the trees among others. What they have in comun all of them is that the offers an unique and unforgettable experience to the traveller.
BungalowsClub recomends you some establishments perfect for glamping, in Spain.
Cabañas en los árboles de Extremadura:
They are incredible ecologic cabins on the top of the trees. They are situated on the hights, at few meters from the ground and very near to the parque naturales de Gorbeia and Urkiola. The confort and the relax in full nature are for sure. Get brave to life a unique experience at this establishment!
Come to discover a unique accommodation!
Los Carros Cíngaros del País Vasco:
They are a tipic establishment full of originality and colorfully to enjoy of a getaway in the best company. It is of the most original, with magic rooms and also it is ideal for couples and families. Come to the south of Bizkaia and bock now at the Carros Cíngaros, they would leave you with out words.
You because your holiday surrounded by nature are better!
Cabañitas del Bosque, at Galicia:
It is about of two farms (Os Apriscos and Cabanabela) situated in A Coruña, with a native view of special care and protection. It is an innovated and adapted to the new tecnologies establishment. Get fun and enjoy of yout holidays in full nature!
It passes your summer in the heights!
Villafeliche, in Tarragona:
Villafeliche is an establishment with charm located in Camarles, in full Delta del Ebro.
It is a ideal pllace to relax and enjoy of the nature. It is surrounded of a garden full of Olive trees, almond trees and cypresses, their enviroment is a beautiful mediterranean forest.
Also, dispons of a aquatic parc and bowling alleys where to enjoy of the stay. And if that were not enought, it is situated at 8 km of the village of Ampolla and at 12 km of the Parque Natural de Delta del Ebro. What are you waiting for visit it?
I stay in this original yurt and rests in an incomparable environment!
The tourist who takes brave to choose this holiday option looking to enjoy their days of rest surrounded by nature but without leaving aside the comfort of some unique accommodation! Go ahead and be the next one to do glamping!
Image Credits: Los Carros Cíngaros del País Vasco, Cabañitas Del Bosque, Villafeliche