Astrotourism: The best destinations to enjoy the stars!

17 enero, 2018 - Por Graciela Camiña

bubbleDo you like astrotourism? Everybody has observed the wonderful starlit sky in a winter night at least once.

That luminosity in a dark sky, that breeze of fresh air that collides with your cheek, the silence and the tranquility that are breathed, are some of the reasons why it is worth looking towards the sky. These good vibes that it produces in you are fabulous, so the star tourism is more and more demanded by tourists. Do you want to know what are the best destinations to contemplate the stars? BungalowsClub will show you gladly.

If you think that just looking up to the sky on a clear night you will be able to enjoy the pleasure of seeing the stars, you are wrong, dear traveler. The enormous city illumination, and even, its pollution, do not allow you to enjoy this privilege. The best way to enjoy astrotourism is doing so from a bungalow, cottage or a charming accommodation in full contact with nature. This kind of establishments are perfect to lie down, on the grass or the terrace, and contemplate those wonderful luminous dots! If the fact is that to observe the sky full of stars is one of the most relaxing things that exist!

Astrotourism in Navarre

The first ideal place to contemplate the stars takes us to Navarre. In particular, to the town of Tudela. There we can find Hotel Aire de Bardenas, one of the most modern and original establishments of Spain and, of course, it is perfect to enjoy astrotourism. This property boasts hub rooms and bubble rooms. However, we are more interested in the Bubble Rooms. They are perfect to understand the mysteries of the universe at night. Why do not you book and live this amazing experience?

Astrotourism in Sierra de Gredos

The second ideal area for astrotourism is in the spectacular Sierra de Gredos. Its nature includes extensive pine forests, beautiful lagoons and beautiful peaks, what makes it ideal for star observation. In fact, in 2013, the north area of this natural place in Ávila obtained the certification as Tourist Destination Starlight.

However, this astronomical observation travel for star lovers cannot end there. We have to mention Bungalows Prados Abiertos or Bungalows La Mata. Both establishments are ideal for you to rest and to enjoy the night skies full of glitter!

Counting stars in Sierra Nevada

As the third and final destination we offer you is Sierra Nevada, in the wonderful Andalusian city of Granada. This strategic point of great height is great to enjoy astrotourism and the beautiful natural surroundings. So that during your getaway to the places with the perfect conditions for the tourism do not miss a good rest, you can contemplate the stars from Bungalows Trévelez or Bungalows Órgiva. Both establishments are ideal to fulfill this purpose of star observation in a privileged place; to enjoy the environment and atmosphere of Andalucian villages in Granada; and even, to make sport in the area. Hiking is one of the most popular options you can practice!

Astrotourism lovers, this is your chance. Don’t wait to book! Wrap yourself in the magic of starry nights with BungalowsClub! It will be a very rewarding experience!

Image Credits:,, Hotel Aire de Bardenas, Facebook Fundación Startlight


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